Information of KKN’s Internship Vacancies Even Semester 2021/2022 in the Study Program of English Literature FCS UB

As the team of KKN Faculty of Cultural Studies (FCS) Universitas Brawijaya (UB) announced on December 15th, 2021, the college student who would like to implement the internship of KKN for the even semester 2021/2022 can register to the works units, Departments, Study Programs, and the FCS lecturers by contacting the contact person.

In this KKN period, the Study Program of English Literature also opens the internship vacancy for the student mainly FCS students. There are what students need to know about the internship at this study program;

Contact Person: 08123399046 (Bu Tyas / Ketua Program Studi Sastra Inggris)

Vacancies       : Data Collector, Assistant, Graphic Designer, Content Writer

Requirement   : 10-15 student

Regulations     : Good English, competent, deft, technology literature


In addition to the internship vacancies above, the Alphabet journal of the Study Program of English Literature itself also open the internship vacancy for student, here are things that student need to know;

Job desk                      :

  1. Student will check/revise the writing style of reference and format each article.
  2. Student will create and write letters for the internal needs of each journal that would be sent to article authors and other correspondence
  3. Student will make certificates for reviewers in each edition
  4. Student will make posters and send it to the related institutions, announce the call for submission
  5. Student will actively find articles from Study Program / Department / Relation that would publish in the Journal.

Requirement               : 1 student

BPJ Contact Person    : 085355558857 (Bu Scarletina)

Regulation/qualification: IT skill and digital literate

If you are a student and willing to apply for an internship with a position that is available, you can contact the contact person listed.



FIB UB. (2021, December 17). Informasi KKN magang FIB UB semester genap 2021/2022 [Picture]. [Instagram].

FIB UB. (2021, December 20). Informasi Lowongan KKN magang pada jurnal-jurnal FIB UB semester genap 2021/2022 [Picture]. [Instagram].