Referring to Law No. 12 of 2012 concerning Higher Education, a study program is an academic education intended for graduates of secondary education or the equivalent so that they are able to practice Science and Technology through scientific reasoning. As an implementing unit for academic education, the study program has the obligation to carry out The Tri Dharma or The Three Pillars of Higher Education in the form of education, research, and community service that is competitive both at the national and regional levels.
To implement the mandate of UUPT 12 of 2012, the Undergraduate English Literature Study Program, Faculty of Cultural Studies, Brawijaya University has played an active role in organizing academic activities, developing knowledge, and carrying out community service in the form of community empowerment and dissemination of research results in the field of language, literature, and culture, to realize the ideals of becoming a leading study program that is active in national development and global dynamics.