Another Achievement: the 2019 Asian English Olympic

Another achievement was accomplished by two students of Study Program of English Universitas Brawijaya. They are Calvin Satria Tama and Debora Karen, who  have succeeded in winning various kinds of competitions, for example winning a competition in the field of Storytelling and Speech held in Universitas Brawijaya. The latest one was AEO (Asian English Olympic) held at the University of BINUS Jakarta last February 2019. It should be noted that this competition was attended by participants from 7 countries – namely Indonesia, South Korea, Bangladesh, Kyrgyzstan, Philippines, Malaysia, Macau and Vietnam – with several competitions including Storytelling, Debate, Speech, Spelling Bee, Drama Radio and Newscasting.

In the competition, Calvin participated in the Storytelling contest and succeeded in achieving the best prepared story category. On the other hand, Debora  played an active role in Radio Drama competition and with her team, she won the first 1st place in the competition.

In an interview session, the two students shared their experiences in participating in AEO. Debora said that there were several aspects of the judges’ judgments, such as the manner in which the participants took part in the competition, the matter – which is the material content -, and the method – that is the method applied by participants in the competition -. Calvin also revealed about the obstacles that he faced, that was how to link the themes and stories, remembering that all also depends on the style of each participant. Another obstacle faced by those two students was the colliding schedule, so they must be clever in arranging the schedule and time, especially concerning academic matters.

Nevertheless, there are also benefits obtained from participating in such competitions, as expressed by both, like building relationships, developing their styles in competition, exploring their own abilities and of course gaining new experience.